Petersburg: On Tuesday, July 20th UFCW Alaska Members from Trading Union-IGA and Hammer & Wikan voted over-whelmingly to accept a new 3-year agreement. It was a positive step forward for the group that solidified raises for all members on the contract for each year of the agreement.
Fairbanks: On August 11th, the Union will be meeting with Gavora group for the Thrifty Liquor & Garden Island to negotiate a new 3-year deal for its members. The biggest concern for members is getting new and improved wage increases to help keep up with the cost of living. Also this month Fairbanks Distributors contract opens for negotiations with the Employer, for its food and snack workers.
Anchorage: The Union and Safeway Workers Bargaining Committee members met with the Employer on Friday, July 23rd. We have had multiple negotiations with the Employer since April. The Committee is making progress but it has been slow going in getting the Employer to commit to raising the hiring rates for new hire Combination Clerks rates above $10.55 per hour. That's only a +$.05 cents per hour increase proposed. There has not been an increase in starting rates of pay since 2015, while the cost of living increases continue to rise. The Bargaining Committee is committed to improving wages for all its members in the contract from Journey Person/thereafter rates, to Courtesy Clerks, and all rates for all its members who are in between. Now is the time to stay informed, wear a button to show the Employer that We Stand United! Solidarity Works
Wear the Button!
I'm an essential worker...I'm worth more than a nickel!
If you need a button to wear, please see your Shop Steward or call our office.
Call Senator Lisa Murkowski and tell her to support the PRO Act! Representative Don Young already said yes. We're asking Senator Murkowski to do the same to support working people. Call her and tell her to vote YES on the PRO Act. The right to join a union is not political. It's not controversial. It's simply a fundamental freedom. Stronger unions mean higher wages, safer working conditions and dignity for all people who work.
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act would:
-Empower workers to organize and bargain
-Hold corporations accountable for union-busting
-Repeal "right to work" laws, which were created during the Jim Crow era to keep White and Black workers from organizing together.
The vast majority of Americans support unions. The PRO Act is how every worker who wants to form a union can do so freely and fairly.

Does Local 1496 have your current information? Have you moved, or changed phone numbers? Many members do not receive their refunds when dues sometimes get over-paid or important news may not be received because we can't contact you. Please make sure our information for you is up to date, give us a call so we can more effectively serve you.
As a member of the UFCW, you have the peace of mind knowing your manager cannot force you into a one-on-one disciplinary meeting with them. These are known as "Weingarten rights." In the Weingarten case, the Supreme Court ruled that union-represented workers have the right to union representation during all meetings or discussions with supervisors or managers that the member reasonably believes might lead to discipline. All you have to do is request to your manager that your union representative or shop steward be present, and we can be there for you an make sure you aren't bullied or treated unfairly. If you are called into a meeting with management that could in any way lead to your being disciplined or terminated, or impact your personal working conditions, immediately and respectfully inform management that you request your shop steward or union representative to be present at the meeting. Until your shop steward or union representative arrives, state to management that you choose not to participate in the meeting until they are present.