Anchorage/Eagle River Safeway Contract Negotiations
The current Anchorage/Eagle River Safeway contract will expire on May 31, 2021. This contract expiration marks the start of our next round of negotiations with all Safeway stores throughout the state of Alaska. All active members who work at the Anchorage/Eagle River stores should receive a questionnaire in the mail asking them for their feedback and prioritizing a list of issues they would like to see improvements on. There is a postage paid envelope with that questionnaire and we urge all members to take a few moments to fill it out and mail it back to us by March 15th.Your input is important to us! If you would like to be on the negotiating committee or help with the negotiations in other ways, there is a place on the questionnaire to sill out and our reps will be in touch with you.
Solidarity works!
Employees with 18 or more months of continuous employment with Safeway accrue one or more personal days annually on the anniversary of their date of hire. The numbers of personal days accrued varies by area and employees should refer to the Union contract for their particular Safeway stores to confirm the number of days that may be accrued. Personal days must be used during the employees' anniversary year and do not accrue year to year, so be sure to use them before your anniversary date each year. Also, members cannot carry more than two times their annual vacation accrued. Employees with two or more times their annual accrual should schedule and take vacation leave before the anniversary of their date of hire with the company. Please be aware that there are black-out dates from November 15 - December 31st unless mutually agreed between the employer and the employee. You may call Safeway Employee Service Center (ESC) at 1-888-255-2269 to check your balances on both personal and vacation days accrued. If you try to schedule vacation and it is, for any reason, denied, please notify your Shop Steward or Union Representative assigned to your store.
The U.S Supreme Court's Weingarten decision held that the individual employees (Union Members only) have the right under the National Labor Relations Act to refuse to submit, without union representation, to an employer investigatory interview which the employee reasonably believes may result in disciplinary action.
Saying this, you have to request representation from your union representative, your shop steward or someone you would trust to be a witness at the meeting. Management does not have to offer, you have to ask for and demand representation. If management refuses, tell them you refuse to submit to the interrogation because you fear that you will suffer discipline or termination of employment and further demand to have Union Representation present on your behalf. You will have to stay in the meeting until it is finished but immediately after the meeting, contact your Union Representative!
Recently, one of our members felt he was being harassed by his manager. A meeting took place with the member, Management and a Union Representative. Ground rules were set and the member went back to work. Two weeks later, the member was again asked to attend a meeting in the manager's office, and this time his request for Union Representation was refused. In so refusing, the employer has left themselves open to an Unfair Labor Practices charge through the National Labor Relations Board. Any disciplinary action resulting from the meeting will likely be overturned by the board.
This right is afforded to you by the U.S. Supreme Court. "Exercise this right when necessary. We guarantee, the meeting will go better if you have Union Representation. Knowledge is Power!"
1. If your hours are being cut, you still must NOT work off the clock to get your job done? No free timing!
2. That if you leave the building any time during your assigned shift, you must punch out and than back in upon your return?
3. That you need to be aware of your allowable break time(s) and take your break(s)? Do not exceed your time or save your break until the end of your shift to leave early!
4. That you can only use your club card for your own purchases? You cannot use them for friends or customers who do not have one.
5. That you should make sure you pay for purchases before consuming any of it? Attach your receipt to the product. Do not remove magazines or books from shelves to read during break even if you intend to return them later.
6. That if you purchase products and/or groceries where you are employed, it raises sales, which in turn, can raise labor hours?
Does Local 1496 have your current information? Have you moved or changed phone numbers? Many members DO NOT receive their refund when dues sometimes get overpaid or important news may not be received because we can't contact you. There were many incorrect addresses that needed to be updated during the recent open enrollment period. Please make sure our information for you is up to date and give us a call so we can more effectively serve you.