Each fall, there will be an open enrollment period for health insurance. At this time, you will be required to make a positive election to continue coverage for yourself and any dependents you want covered. If you do not make this election you and your dependents will not be eligible for any plan benefits for the following year. You may also add or remove eligible dependents from your medical, dental, and vision coverage. Any changes you make will be effective on January 1, 2022. You enroll by submitting a completed enrollment form to the Administration Office by the required date. Enrollment forms will be mailed to all eligible Members. LOOK FOR THEM IN YOUR MAILBOX THIS MONTH. FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM WILL CAUSE LOSS OF HEALTH PLAN ELIGIBILITY FOR 2022! There are issues every year of members ignoring this mailout and we are scrambling to get their insurance reinstated after the deadline. Don't be one of them! If you have had a change in address or have not received a form by November 30th, please contact the Plan Administrator at 561-5119 or (800) 478-8329 or the UFCW Local 1496 Office at 258-1496 or (800) 478-1496.
Join the UFCW Local 1496's text blast! It's a simple way to stay informed on Union information such as contract negotiations, membership meetings, Union events, etc. It's easy to join, just follow these steps:
1. Open your phone's camera and place the QR code for your company in the camera frame (no need to take a picture).
2. A link will show and by opening it, you will be taken to your company specific opt-in form.
3. Find your store's location, enter your name and mobile phone number in the specified boxes.
4. Check mark the small box below your information to agree to receiving texts from the Union, then tap "Sign Me Up".
5. You will receive a confirmation text from the Union that you have successfully joined. Reply "YES" to confirm. (message and data rates may apply)
It's that easy! Also, any time that you wish to not receive texts from the Union, simply reply "STOP". Your Union Representative will be hanging flyers in the breakroom with your store specific QR code and instructions to join. If you have any issues signing up, please feel free to call our office at 907-258-1496 (or 1-800-478-1496) and we will be happy to help. Stay Informed! Solidarity Works!
Effective October 5th the Anchorage Coalition Health Center has moved from the Alaska Regional Hospital to Tudor Park Center at 701 E. Tudor Rd, Suite 120. If you have any questions, give them a call at 907-264-1370 or visit their website at coalitionhealthcenter.com. Remember, it is $0 Co-pay for Well visits and Annual Health Exams, $20 for all other visits. Ages 5 and up, walk-ins and new patients are welcome!