If at any time you are going to be off the schedule for 30 days or more for any reason, be sure to call the Union office at 258-1496 (or 1-800-478-1496) to request a withdrawal card. The withdrawal card is honored throughout the United States and Canada. The withdrawal card does not affect your insurance eligibility, which is based on the hours reported by your Employer. You are not required to pay dues while you are withdrawn. Upon returning to work you are required to notify the Union within 30 days.
If at any time you are going to be off the schedule for 30 days or more for any reason, be sure to call the Union office at 258-1496 (or 1-800-478-1496) to request a withdrawal card. The withdrawal card is honored throughout the United States and Canada. The withdrawal card does not affect your insurance eligibility, which is based on the hours reported by your Employer. You are not required to pay dues while you are withdrawn. Upon returning to work you are required to notify the Union within 30 days.