2. That if you leave the building any time during your assigned shift, you must punch out and then back in upon your return?
3. That you need to be aware of your allowable break times and take your break(s)? Do not exceed your time or save your break until the end of your shift to leave early.
4. That you can only use your club card for your own purchases? You cannot use them for friends or customers who do not have one.
5. That if Catalina Coupons are not used, they are property of Safeway. Any Catalina Coupon not used and left by customers are to be destroyed. Any other use will be considered theft and be treated as such.
6. That you should make sure you pay for purchases before consuming any of it? Attach your receipt to the product. Do not remove magazines or books from shelves to read during break even if you intend to return them later.
7. That if you purchase products and/or groceries where you are employed, it raises sales, which in turn, can raise labor hours?