As most of you know, The Alaska United Food and Commercial Workers Pension and Health and Welfare Trusts have established a web site to provide you with immediate access to your plan information. The site, located at includes the following Trust related material:
Health & Welfare Pension
1. Forms—Medical, Documents and Notices 1. Forms—Retirement, Documents and Notices
2. Plan Booklet and Summary Material Modifications 2. Plan Booklet
3. Links to Health Plan Provider Networks & Other Useful Sites 3. Links to Other Useful Sites
4. HIPAA Privacy Notice and Information 4. Local Unions’ Contact Information
5. Local Unions’ Contact Information
The site was recently updated to provide you with “My Personal Benefit” information, which may be viewed through a secure location requiring the entry of a personal identification number (PIN) and your SSN or WPAS ID number. A PIN will be assigned and mailed to you upon your written request. You should have received a form in the mail a couple of months ago. “My Personal Benefits” information includes the following data:
1. Personal Information—name, address, gender, birthdate, marital status, etc.
2. Health Plan Eligibility—eligibility in the current and past eleven months
3. Retirement—years of service, total hours, and benefit amount
4. Hours/Contributions—Statement showing employers reporting hours and contributions to the Trust on your behalf
5. Dependent Enrollment Information—name of enrolled dependents
6. Beneficiary Designation
7. Medical/Dental Claims Summary and Paid Claims Detail
If you have any questions about the contents of the web site or access to “My Personal Benefit” information, please feel free to contact the Administration Office Eligibility Department at (800) 478-8329, option 4.