As you may already be aware, our Alaska UFCW Local 1496 Leadership and Negotiating Committee has been in bargaining with Safeway for a new contract since April of 2021. The Committee stands devoted to achieving fair wage increases for all departments and positions, better contract language, and a safer working environment. While progress has been made over the past months, the Employer is still rejecting the Union's proposals and taking negative positions on issues that matter to all of you.
On August 17th & 18th, the Committee has been focusing on economic discussions with the Employer. When the Committee laid out what a fair package might look like, it was crystal clear the Employer is out of touch and unconcerned with what their employees need. Some of the Employer counter-proposals are not enough to help hard-working grocery store members achieve what they deserve. Your Employer proposed or took positions on:
-Insignificant wage increases
-Too many hours to move forward through raise progression steps
-Spouses waiting two years for healthcare coverage
-Longer wait time for new hires to have paid holidays
-Removing night premium pay
-Needed improvements to pension
Their proposals and positions are not what you need or deserve as essential workers. And, this is not how essential workers who have risked their health and well-being of their own families throughout a global pandemic should be treated. Over the past 18 months, you have risked your lives for your communities and Safeway's corporate profits. Throughout negotiations, it is important to remember that getting the fairest contract is an important process. Please help support yourself and your coworkers by doing your part to support the Negotiations Team. This is YOUR contract, but it can only be great if we all work together.
Now is the time to be United. Be sure to wear your "Standing Together" Union buttons until you get an acceptable contract offer to vote on, and when you see management in your store, be sure to tell them you will do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET A FAIR CONTRACT!
The basic policy with regard to shoplifting is one of prevention. This is usually best accomplished by cheerfully greeting customers and asking if they need assistance, as shoplifters do not like to be recognized and avoid stores with friendly, attentive employees. If an employee becomes aware that someone may be leaving the store with unpurchased merchandise, he or she should report the incident to management immediately. Do not engage them. Under no circumstances may any employee pursue or otherwise chase in an attempt to detain a suspected shoplifter within the store or outside the store premises, this includes loiterers. To do so places your safety and the safety of your co-workers and customers in jeopardy. The Company will not tolerate any violation of this policy, and any employee that decides to pursue or otherwise chase in an attempt to detain a shoplifter will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination irrespective of whether anyone was hurt.
DON'T FORGET - If at any time you have terminated your employment or are going to be off the schedule for 30 days or more for any reason, be sure to call the Union office at 258-1496 (or 1-800-478-1496) to request a withdrawal card. The withdrawal card is honored throughout the United States and Canada. You are not required to pay dues while you are withdrawn.